Name of church, organization or ministry
Meeting/Event Location Church FacilityHotelConference RoomBusiness PremisesHomeClass RoomPark/Open-AirSchoolGymnasium/AuditoriumOther
Event Location Name
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What type of event is this? Church Meeting/ ServiceTraining SeminarConferenceBible StudyCommunity MeetingBible School ClassProphetic GatheringEvangelistic OutreachTelevision/RadioInterviewPrayer GatheringOther
Check Here If You And/Or Your Organization Are Prepared To Cover Our Food, Travel And Accommodation Expenses If Applicable
Please give the specific date(s) and time(s) of ministry
What are your desires or expectations for these meetings? How do they relate to God’s agenda?
Telephone # of contact person
Number of people expected
Kingdom Ambassadors International Would Like To Request An Audio/Video Copy Of The Service(S) Or Message(S) Preached. Are You Able To Comply With This Request? yesno
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